
Tips & Tricks for Container Gardening Tomatoes

Although tomatoes are one of America’s favorite vegetables, they can also be considered a fruit. The United States is a major producer of tomatoes for commercial purposes. Tomatoes are also a favorite crop in home gardens, as they are delicious and easy to grow. Nearly all home gardens have enough space for a tomato plant. However, if you don’t have much space, you can also grow a tomato inside a container.

How to Plant a Tomato in a Container

Locate a container

Tomatoes are large plants, so a large container is necessary to hold the soil, plant, and any support used. No matter the size, you should try only to plant one tomato plant per pot in a sunny spot.

Prepare the soil

Your tomatoes won’t grow if you have poor soil that lacks nutrients. Container or potting soil can be prepared quickly. You can amend your soil by adding manure, worm castings, and bone meal.

Dig a hole

Dig a deep hole in the soil to ensure that roots are well planted underneath.

Mulch and cage

Mulching will help your container retain moisture. It is common to stake or cage tomato plants once they are fully grown.


Use an organic fertilizer for healthy plants. If you fertilize your plant too much, you will see a decrease in the number of tomatoes and leaves your plant produces.

Three Watering Secrets for Container Tomatoes

Self-watering container

You can place tomatoes in self-watering planters with support to ensure they are consistently watered. The most common problem for container tomato plants is blossom end rot. Uneven watering can cause a calcium imbalance in the plant, which causes blossom end rot. With a self-watering container, you can ensure that your plants get the water they need to grow.

Water consistently

It is important to water tomatoes regularly. You may have to water more frequently if you have a regular container, but be cautious not to overwater. Overwatering can cause blossom end rot, split, and stressed tomatoes.

Water from the bottom

Ensure that you water the base of your tomato plant, not the leaves. Tomatoes are susceptible to fungal-related leaf diseases, but this can be prevented by keeping your leaves dry.

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