
How to Plant Herbs in Container Gardens

A cook’s best friend is an herb garden! It doesn’t take a lot of land or space to grow delicious fresh herbs indoors or outside. The top herbs for container gardens are listed below.


Mint is very invasive in the ground and should be grown in containers whenever possible. It likes to be in full sun or partial shade and prefers richer soil.


Another perennial that thrives in full sun. This shrub is best left unfertilized and kept dry.

Lemon balm

An invasive species that can be easily grown in containers. It can be grown in full sun or partial shade using rich, moist soil with good drainage.


This Mediterranean plant likes hot, dry places and is drought-tolerant. It can be grown indoors by keeping the soil moist but not too wet, as it prefers drier soil.


Thyme likes soil that is well-drained and thrives in full sunlight. There are many types of thyme, many of which are used to make soups.


An annual plant that likes full sun and rich, moist soil. It can survive brief droughts if its root system is strong, but it usually takes about six weeks to reach this point after it has been planted. Basil grows well when combined with thyme, parsley, and other herbs. It’s best to plant smaller varieties of basil, such as “Spicy Bush,” in smaller containers. Basil is a staple of the Mediterranean kitchen and is excellent for dressing up dishes and making sauces.


This herb likes moist potting mixes with good drainage and full sunlight. Sage can be used to make soup and is a great poultry seasoning.


Oregano is very popular in Mediterranean cuisine and can be found in soils with moist soil with good drainage. The more sun an oregano plant gets, the stronger its flavor is.


These small, perennial onions are grassy and hollow-leaved. They prefer rich, well-drained potting soil that has good drainage. Although they can tolerate light shade, chives thrive in full sun. Their leaves and pink-purple fragrant spring flowers can be used for various culinary dishes or as garnish.


This French herb is often used to season fish and goes great on eggs. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It can withstand drought and is not tolerant of excessive watering. Tarragon, like chives, can tolerate some shade but prefers full sunlight.


Cilantro produces both tangy, dried, and ground seeds. Because it has a long taproot, this annual plant needs soil that has good drainage and a container that is at least 12 inches deep. This herb needs full sun; however, it can tolerate some shade. It is ideal for making Mexican recipes, especially soups, salads, and sandwiches.


Marjoram is a relative of oregano with a milder flavor and fragrance. It likes full sun and well-drained potting soil. The perennial can also be grown indoors in winter.

Lemon verbena

This herb prefers full sunlight and thrives on minimal nutrients, and is typically grown as an annual.


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