
What Is Organic Soil?

What is organic soil exactly? Isn’t all soil “organic” because it’s soil?

Not necessarily. Though it is possible to simplify the matter by substituting the word “living” for organic. Organic soil is made from the decomposition and growth of animal and plant materials. This creates a mini-ecosystem that’s rich in nutrients, minerals, and microorganisms that live and feed the soil. Organic soil, as it is commonly known, is the way soil exists in nature. Before the advent of chemicals. This was the way soil used to be before synthetic and modified chemicals depleted it of its natural power. Imagine the forest floor. Leaves and trees are affected by the weather, and fruits and vegetables are fallen to the ground. Animals also feed and dispose of waste. This activity has a direct impact on the soil, creating a foundation for future growth. It gives the soil life.

Why Organic Soil?

Now you are familiar with organic soil, but what are its benefits?

There are many, but it is most notable for its environmentally friendly aspects. Organic soil is soil made from all-natural ingredients. It is simply putting soil from the environment back into the environment. This creates soil sustainability, which over time, will continue to enrich your soil. But what does this mean for you? You’ll have more lush, healthier fruits and vegetables, which are safer for your family!

You can also save time and money by using organic soils.

Organic material can also be added to native soil. This helps to maintain a balance between drainage and water retention. Organic material is more effective at keeping water in the soil for longer periods of time than synthetic soil. This means that your plants can access the water they need more easily, which in turn means less frequent watering.

Organic soils are a great way to help your plants resist disease and pests, and you don’t have to use pesticides or chemicals.

Organic soil is rich in nutrients and minerals, which will help your plants grow stronger cell walls, providing additional protection against pests and diseases. Organic soil is free from synthetic pesticides and chemical heavy pesticides. Organic soils provide natural protection, making them more resistant to disease. This results in stronger plants that are more resistant to diseases and pests, which means you don’t have to spend as much to keep them healthy. Your needs will determine the best way to grow your plants.

Organic Soil Quick Tips

NearSource Organics soils look different!

Don’t be alarmed at the texture. It’s different because it is! Many people are familiar with synthetic and conventional soils but don’t know what organic soil is.

The native soil in your garden and landscape can be improved by organic soils!

When organic matter is added, you can transform nutrient-deficient soil into healthy soil. Further, understanding the different soil types will help you decide how to best treat your soil. Organic matter can be used to improve soil types, from clay, to sandy to silt!

Don’t forget an organic fertilizer!

Even though organic soils may be rich in nutrients, they still require fertilizer. Plants can become yellow and shriveled due to nitrogen deficiency. You can solve this problem by using a fertilizer program. You should avoid planting vegetables and fruits that are known for being difficult to grow. So to ensure success, make sure you check your soil before planting!

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