Growing Lettuce

Lettuce tastes great, is delicious, fresh, has a good texture, and is healthy. Lettuce thrives in the cool season, and is best enjoyed in the spring and autumn. Even a light frost can be tolerated by tender lettuce seedlings. Growing lettuce is simple and one of the most rewarding crops you can grow all year. […]

Gardener’s Guide to Planting Tulips

Jewels of the garden, otherwise known as tulips, come in a wide variety of colors that range from solids to variegated. The petals form a beautiful cup-like shape and have decorative stamens. They make a bold statement in the yard and look stunning when paired with hyacinth and daffodil cultivars. As winter draws closer, tulips […]

How to Plant & Grow Daffodils

Daffodils are the most iconic sign of spring. Even on March’s coldest days, they bravely rise from the soil to poke through the snow, symbolizing new beginnings. They are cheerful and bright yellow or white flowers that can easily lift the spirits of those who plant them or give them as a bouquet of flowers. […]

Growing Lilies: How & Where to Grow

A white and yellow lily flower blooming

Lilies are exotic, vibrant perennial flowers with beautiful, bold blooms. This bulbous plant has a lot of charm that stems from the versatility and variety it offers. You can grow lilies in containers on patios and gardens, along borders, or as a mainstay at the rear of flower beds. There are many varieties of lilies […]

Planting and Growing Lilacs

Purple lilac flowers blooming

With their romantic blossoming plumes and intoxicating scent, lilacs have become a symbol of first love. You can’t help but fall in love with the sweet scent of their return every year. Lilacs boast a stunning display of colors, including pink, white, and purple. The flowers of lilacs are often cut and used to make […]

How to Grow Cabbage

Cabbage is a delicious and compact crop that can be grown in most gardens. Cabbage has many health benefits and is known for its beautiful garden appearance and delicious crunch. It’s high in Vitamin B, Niacin, Iron, Calcium, and Protein. Growing cabbage can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, lower blood cholesterol, and boost your heart […]

How To Grow Fennel: Tips & More

Fennel is known for its bulbous, white base, which looks like an onion. It is also layered like cabbage and has a celery-like crunch. Fennel produces a delicious harvest with a subtle anise flavor and feathery leaves. Fennel, a member of the carrot family, is used in many cultures for culinary and medicinal purposes, including […]

A Gardener’s Guide to Cauliflower Companion Plants

Did you know it is possible to grow small clusters of vitamin-rich cauliflower in your garden? Cauliflower plants produce mild, sweet-tasting, and dense florets, which pack a punch when it comes to nutrient intake. Gardeners can all benefit from the help of our friends, and plants are no exception. Friendly plant neighbors can help vegetables […]

Growing Cauliflower: Planting & Care Tips

Did you know you can grow densely packed clusters of vitamin-rich cauliflower right in your backyard? Cauliflower, a cool-weather crop, is best grown in the spring, fall and winter. Although cauliflower can be grown in the summer, it will bolt if the temperature is too high. Cauliflower plants produce compact, milder-tasting florets than other brassicas. […]

Fall Flowers for Pots & Containers

The landscape can seem empty of color as the seasons shifts from the hot, summer days to the cooler, fall days. There is still plenty of life in fall gardens. You can still maintain the beauty of your garden, attract pollinators and decorate your doorsteps. Many plants can be grown all year round to produce […]