
Our Favorite Unusual House Plants 

You don’t need to limit your choices of houseplants to the most common and easy-to-care-for varieties. These tried-and-true favorites are great to keep around, but sometimes it’s nice to change things up. Houseplants can be a delight, with various features ranging from stunning foliage to textural intrigue and quirky growth patterns. These horticultural gems will add visual interest to your home and create a sense of wonder that will draw attention from the guests that you invite into your home. This list highlights some of the most unusual and fun houseplants you can grow.

Begonias (Semperflorens-Cultorum Group)

Begonia plants are not all common or everyday plants. Begonia plants come in many exotic varieties that produce bright, prominent leaves with amazing texture and variegation. These varieties are known for their standout foliage.

  • Begonia’ Maculata’
  • Begonia ‘Melanobullata’
  • Begonia’ Connee Boswell’
  • Begonia’ Rex’

Sensitivity Plant (Mimosa Pudica)

If you want a closer relationship with your plants, consider adding sensitivity plants to your indoor garden.
This plant’s mesmerizing leaves respond to gentle touch and soft breezes and is tolerant to full sun and poor soil conditions.

Pebble Plants (Lithops)

You might consider planting interesting pebble plants if you have a sunny window. These stone-like plants can thrive in hot and dry environments thanks to their long taproots. They can grow to a height of 1/2-1/2 inch or less.

Hoya Heart (Hoya Kerrii)

If you don’t have one or more hoya hearts plants in your home, you may be searching for love in the wrong places. The succulent plants are a sweetheart and produce thick, heart-shaped leaves that will make you smile. They don’t require much attention or time to grow, so they can just give love and keep growing.

The Lifesaver Plant (Huernia Zebrina)

Huernia Zebrina is a spectacular five-point star-shaped flower that bears the same shape as the popular lifesaver candy. These cactus plants are sweet and easy to maintain.

String of Dolphins (Senecio Peregrinus)

The ‘String of Dolphins’ succulent plant will appeal to gardeners with an affinity for the ocean. Its foliage mimics the appearance of pods or dolphins swimming through the air and is perfect for hanging baskets where its stems can cascade over planters to add texture and intrigue.

Green Brain Cactus (Mammillaria Elongata ‘Cristata’)

The green brain cactus is the ideal houseplant for an office or study area. The cactus’ wormy crested growth pattern resembles brain convolutions! Plant this cactus in a skull or head-shaped pot for intrigue and fun. These houseplants are easy to maintain, attractive, and fun to look at.

Zig-Zag Cactus (Selenicereus Anthonyanus)

A zig-zag cactus will help you stay on track no matter where your home decorating journey takes you. Although it is a cactus, it does not have the prickly spines characteristic of most cactus plants. The succulent’s unique ricrac-leaf shape, deliciously scented evening flowers, and edible fruit make it stand out.

Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Air plants are a great option if you’re looking for cute plants that will draw attention to your home. They don’t require soil and can be used to create a fresh, new look. They depend on water absorption through their leaves and should be watered by soaking them in water or spraying them with a water atomizer once a week. These fun and colorful varieties of this air plants are worth a try.

  • ‘Bulbosa’
  • ‘Medusa’
  • ‘Pink Jonathan’
  • ‘Conehead’

Lucky Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

A lucky money tree is a great way to add a symbol to your home that will bring you luck, prosperity, and success. The five leaves displayed on each stem represent five elements: earth, metal, wind, fire, and water. These beautiful, braided-stemmed beauties are easy to grow if you have the right amount of sun, water, and humidity.

Staghorn Ferns (Platycerium Bifurcatum)

The Staghorn Ferns are fun, unique, and prolific growers that look rustic and beautiful when mounted in wall planters. Their name is due to their resemble of the horns of a stag. These treasures should be grown indoors in humus soil and with enough moisture.

Rabbit’s Foot Fern (Davallia Fejeensis)

The fuzzy rhizomes look just like rabbit feet and protrude from the plant’s base. These unusual houseplants are worth a try! Plant them in hanging baskets to shine a spotlight on their furry legs as they crawl out from the containers’ edges.

Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium Nidus)

A bird’s nest fern is an excellent addition to fern gardens. This plant is tall, straight, and has crinkly, upright leaves. It thrives in bright indirect light and consistent watering.

Ponytail Palms (Beaucarnea Recurvata)

These unusual houseplants make a great addition to any home or office. Although the foliage may make it look like a breezy palm, this plant is actually a succulent and a member of the agave family. They are easy to care for and create a tranquil oasis atmosphere.

Curly Q Twisted Lipstick Houseplant (Aeschynanthus Radicas)

Twisted lipstick plants are more fun than any other type of plant. These unusual houseplants have many appealing attributes, including their stunning ringlets of leaves and vibrant, lipstick-esque blooms. These beautiful indoor plants are stunning when they trail from hanging baskets. Although there are many varieties of lipstick plants, some of the most popular ones are the ‘Cassiopeia” and ‘Mona Lisa.’

Corkscrew Grass (Juncus Effusus Spiralis)

Corkscrew grass produces a unique, colorful, exciting, fun, and disorderly leaf. This grass-like plant is native to Japan and requires plenty of moisture to thrive.

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